How do we measure success? Do we have to say being successful means you have to live an extravagant lifestyle? Do we have to have million dollar homes and cars with heavy price tags? Have to have a model wife and have a social rank in order to consider ourselves successful? I have to disagree. I can be just has happy knowing that I have a set a friends who will do whatever it takes for me and I know I would do the same for them. At the end of the day there are only a handful of real people in this world that are here for you outside of family and for those I am forever grateful, God has blessed with me special people and I will never forget them. Family and Friends are the keys to my success, I have a great friend, great son, great student, a great listener, and a great teacher. I am 23 years of age and its ok to not be sure what you want to do in life. Not exactly sure what my calling is but whatever it is I know I will be great at it when I get to that point. God has blessed me with a great personality and all the tools I need to be successful, the rest is up to me. I'm just a small town kid with big city dreams and I will reach those dreams with the help of those closest to me. I'm about to graduate college and that in itself is a big step for myself, it has taken longer than I had hoped but I didn't quit. This will be end of one chapter but the beginning of something big, I will reach my goals and I want to be able to bless others and not just do it for myself. Everyday start with the man in the mirror so I can only be as successful as I wanna go. So again I consider myself to be successful, I have a family that I can count on no matter what, friends that would do anything for me, and I am living and breathing well. The rest is materialistic and if i don't have it now, then I must not need it.
And if you're not a part of it, at least you got to WITNESS