Holiday Season couldn't come soon enough especially coming right off the heels of finals, one of the most stressful times for any college student. Being surrounded by family and friends and not having to worry about going to school for a month couldn't sound any better than it does around this time. With Christmas rolling around followed by the new year, its easy to get wrapped up in the greed and wrongfulness of worrying about what to buy or what to get for your family when really gifts aren't what is important around this time. We have grown to always think of what I want for christmas instead of worrying about spending that quality time with loved ones and ones closest to you. This year I have grown into being a better person and maturing more and more each day and I have not asked for a single thing this year nor do I expect anything. I am simply grateful to have those people in my life that are closest to me and my friends and just building lasting memories rather than material things. This is more about family time and living for the memorable nights with friends. Those are things that I will remember, not what I got for christmas in 2010 so with that being said I hope that all of you can enjoy your break with your family and/or friends and be thankful for what you do have instead of worrying about what you don't. Just think there are people that are truly happy with way less than what we have and I realize I am truly blessed for what I do have.
Also with a new year comes a new beginning, we can't change what we have done but we can change what we will do and how we do it. It's never too late to write a new tomorrow, just be sure not not rewrite the past. I know I am still growing and still getting better as a person and with that being said I hope that I do leave an impact on your life because if I don't then I have failed myself. I have learned to be a great friend and will continue to strive for perfection in that area and I hope ones closest to me can see that. I wanna move forward in the new year and as this will be my last semester at HPU, I will graduate and hopefully advance in my profession and find a career and a new home that is fitting for me. I plan to make this next year exciting and start this new chapter in my life and hopefully add new friends to my book. Think big but dream bigger, don't be afraid to risk it all.
And if you're not a part of it, at least you got to WITNESS!
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