Well I have been away for a few days but thats all do to school, work, and figuring out what it is I'm going to say for the wedding toast. Summer couldn't get here any faster but needless to say I am definitely ready for it. Hasn't been to long since spring break but I could for sure use another vaction get away. School seems never ending and just as soon as I think I get a break for the day it seems like I'm right here back at work and the day just continues. Makes the weeks go by faster but it seems like I never get any time for myself. Oh well, life of a college student right? I guess I'm not really in a hurry to get out of here, well I am and I say that now but from what all my graduated friends say, stay in! Being grown definitely has its ups and downs but I guess thats just life in general. What do I wanna do when I graduate? Where do I see myself? Where will I be? All questions that haunt me everyday but I know that I will get through it all and just have to stay positive and focused and good things will come my way. Where does the time go? Seems like yesterday I was with a group of my friends all living together and the time just flys by and now they are all on their own way and seems like I hardly hear from a lot of them. Well I am glad to see one of my best friends take the next step in his relationship and life in general and finally tie the knot. I do miss the house we used to have and when we all lived together but I'm glad he is doing well with his career and taking steps to become that big boss so he can slide me some money here and there haha! I guess I'm ready to figure out what I want to be, What it is that I'm best at, to be truely happy you have to do something that you're not just good at but something you're great at. I really hope this school pays off because I want to have my own business someday and something that works with people because I'm great with people. Definitely want to be some where in the ft worth/dallas area or maybe austin/san antonio area but we'll see how things play out and hopefully things go the way I want.
Just a big of randomness for the day, but stress less and enjoy yourself when you get a chance, and if you dont get a chance, make time lol.
And if you're not a part of it, at least you got to WITNESS
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