Without pain we would never know how to experience the joys in the world. Sometimes it takes rainy, stormy days to see the sunlight that comes after. No one lives a perfect life and even people that feel like they have it all cover it up with material things to bury whats really eating at them. Clothes can't cover up emotions and bottling up emotions can only be there for so long before the bottle leaks out. Pain can come from stress, emotions, relationships, friendships .... but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger and builds the character we carry ourselves with. Some people learn to walk around and look like everything is picture perfect but in reality they are being torn inside. Never feel like your in a worse position than someone else because you may not know what really be going on with someone. Be sure to always be there for your friends and even if its just reaching out to them every once in a while do so to show you have their back and you are a supporter anytime. Bad days are occasionally blessings in disguise, you never know when one door that closes may open up something bigger and better. We don't always know whats best for us be these doors are clues to our destiny. I know I struggle, I stress, and I have days where the pain feels like it will never wash away but at the end of the day I know I have people that have my back no matter right or wrong and will help me see the light at the end of the tunnel. Never let a woman/man do you wrong, have respect for yourself and for how you deserve to be treated. Don't search for that drama queen or bad boy that you feel you can change and be that person that finally turned them around because I promise you 95% of the time that will never work. Don't drag yourself through the mud and go through the pain and troubles of that, just search for that guy/girl who really can bless your life and keep things moving forward. So don't get impatient even when it takes too long, patience is a virtue. Things take time so be ready because it is worth the wait. Never settle for less, there is always someone that will complete you. Until that day comes I will continue walking in my same path and waiting for that intersection to come.
And if you're not a part of it, at least you got to WITNESS
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