Well as a lot of you know this year was supposed to be a huge spring break, due to the fact that one of my best friends was getting married this year we were going to celebrate my spring break mixed with his Bachelor party and make it a whole week celebration. Well didn't quite work out that way. Due to people not being able to get off from work or maybe some financial issues we let the party of a lifetime slip through our fingers. A bit depressing, yes, but maybe my wallet among other things were looking out for me because more than likely things could of ended with me being absolutely broke, or married. Lol. Still with that being said it would have been an experience for sure but I'm sure this won't be the last time that we try to make a get a way to Vegas but it won't have the same meaning behind it. When our group of friends get together we usually go all out and have a great time for sure. I just cant wait to see that happen in sin city. Only time will tell when this trip may come about but in the mean time back up plans have surfaced.

So after a phone call, I found out that my family has a beach house and that sounded a bit far from what I was planning to do, mainly from anger of not going to Vegas I rejected that idea. Well after some thought and the fact that I now have four tests in two days on the week before spring break, maybe the beach isn't such a bad idea. What better way to relax and get away from it all, as far away from school and SA as I can get for a week. Being around family that I don't get to see very often and catching up with some crazy funny stories, soak that in with some refreshing drinks, and I'm 22 so some partying is definitely going to be thrown in the mix. Well one more week til I am sitting in the sand, watching the waves, and reflecting on what it is I want to accomplish in my lifetime. I am still young but my dreams and goals are much bigger than that but with faith and persistence, everything is attainable. So I hope everyone has a great Tuesday, this is just a brief segment of what has been going through my mind.

Oh and just a sidenote to all my friends, Relax (Drink) Responsibly
And if you're not a part of it, at least you got to WITNESS
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