Yes, It is time to bring out the spring colored pastel and bright Polos. Nothing better then stepping out of the house in a new polo shirt. If you take a look in my closet you'll see what looks like a bag of skittles, meaning a wide range in colors and its getting kinda hard to find a color I don't have. Yes I have been made fun of because it is color coordinated but is it so bad to be neat and organized when it comes to your appearance? No they aren't all Polo polos but then again I don't just stick to one brand. So make your way out to the mall and pick up a new Polo just in time for spring break.

To go along with the Polo shirts, you need some casual shoes and not just flip flops. Polo has come out with some good color ways to their casual shoe so take a look at these and dont sleep on them.

When it gets a little warmer then its time to make your way to the Graphic Tees section. Its good to have little variety in your closet so be sure to add some out of the box tees and be different. This is a simple way to enhance your shoe game and get a tee that goes with the colorway of your shoes.

Nike casual lows. Get yourself a nice pair of Nike shoes and some shorts and go on about your day. You can dress casual but still look good doing it. So get yourself some Nike Vandals, Nike air max 90, Nike air max 95, Nike air structure triax, Nike Air Max Wrights. These are simple but classics and will get you noticed by any sneakerhead.

Finally, White accessories, White watches are a big thing that I have been getting into. I really like getting new watches and white is the new color. Black and Brown has been done before and I have both but I really like white. It goes with everything and it stands out. Older fashioned people are usually turned off by new trends or they don't dare to be different but thats where I am different. I like to be in the new trends before people, I don't stay in the box, I enjoy being a trendsetter in my own way. It seems to be the era of "All black everything" but there are so many people jumping on that bandwagon, I plan to stay far away, I wear to many colors to go all black. Genius is the only person I don't mind going all black because that is a part of him and he has been dabbing with the all black before it became popular. So again white is a clean look so definitely look into it.
Just a few tips for your next shopping trip.
And if you're not a part of it, at least you got to WITNESS
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